Posted on Nov 21, 2024
Dear Ones, As we head into the Holidays, the to-do lists get longer, and we are off and running trying to get it all done. The race is on… and we haven’t even gotten to the Holidays yet!
When our systems get revved up too high for too long, the hypothalamus signals the adrenal glands to produce cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones raise our blood pressure, glucose levels, and our heart rates while lowering our immune systems. Unmitigated and unrelenting stress can contribute to anxiety, depression and insomnia. All the elements of our health are intertwined, which is why in natural medicine we work on healing the whole person.
So how can we reduce the impacts of stress in our lives. Here are some things to do when we find ourselves beside ourselves.
- Fun Videos: At the end of a long, busy day, we like to watch “funny” videos. It really shifts our moods when we get a good belly laugh going.
- Spending time in Nature helps us to integrate ourselves. We are so blessed to live where we can be in nature in a moment… on the beach, in the forest, in the mountains, lakes and streams. When possible, we can place our feet in the water, walk on the grass barefoot to get a little extra earthing energy. If you live somewhere where nature is further away… a stroll through a park, along a waterway, in a botanical garden can do wonders to restore the soul.
- Keeping Hydrated: In times of stress we need to make sure the basics are getting in… place 2 quart sized jars on the kitchen counter to measure our water intake. Herbal tea counts as water. I like to make my favorite tea in one of the quart jars – I place a couple of bags of hibiscus tea and fill the jar with hot water and drink it throughout the day.
- Exercise Daily in the sun, when possible, at a moderate pace (can carry on a conversation while exercising). Sometimes, I love to walk with friends, sometimes, I love to listen to audiobooks while walking in nature. Exercise is a great way to clear the mind, blow off some steam, release toxins, build muscles and invite peaceful sleep.
- Restful Sleep: Ideally, we will be getting 7 or more hours of restful sleep each night. Keep a notebook and pen on the nightstand to record our dreams.
- Add loads of Plant-Based Foods to our Diets: Vegetables, Beans, Legumes Oh, My! Eliminate processed foods, refined carbohydrates and alcohol.
- Adaptogenic Herbs such as Rhodiola, Ashwagandha, Licorice, Schizandra, and Eleutherococcus can be helpful in times of overwhelm. They help the body manage the effects of stress, improve energy levels, boost the immune system, improve cognitive performance and help us have peaceful sleep.
- Mind-Body Practices can help calm activated stress responses. The great thing… is that you can do these easy practices in a moment. Deep Breathing: Take 10 deep, slow breaths at least 3 times per day. Mindfulness meditation – find a quiet spot and give a few moments to stillness. According to the New York Times here are the best Meditation Apps of 2024:
- Minimalism: Simplifying our space helps to calm and relax us! The less we have, the less we have to worry about and subsequently, the more mental and emotional space we have to focus on what matters to us most. Some popular shows on Minimalism to help with getting started: “Tidying up with Marie Kondo” and “Minimalism- Netflix documentary” These programs help us get inspired to live simply.
- The Gift: This time of year, is a great time to focus on who we are… and what gift we want to give to your community. There is a quote from Saint Francis of Assisi that says it so well: “If you bring forth what is in you…what you bring forth will save you. If you don’t bring forth what is in you…what you don’t bring forth will destroy you.”
- Be Grateful for what we have: As ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus said, “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not.” We are heading straight into the Thanksgiving Holiday. The call is strong this time of year to be present to just how blessed we are! Life is good! There is so much to be grateful for. I am grateful for this amazing life. I am grateful for our beautiful, bountiful Earth and I am grateful for you! Many blessings to one and to all!